I HAD A DREAM – the modern blended family

The modern blended family can bring with it many emotions, struggles, and blessings.  Navigating exes, step-children, biological children, and family interpersonal relationships can feel overwhelming and cause stress and contention inside your core family unit.  At the same time, it can be beautiful and amazing when we center and root our self and our family... Continue Reading →

Living Around Toxic People

Hurt, anger, a flooded mind, sick feeling, weakness, a change in personality, depression, and feeling of worthlessness are all associated with being around toxic people.  These are people that state untrue things like they are fact and insinuate that others feel the exact same way they do.  Other times, it is a flood of passive... Continue Reading →

The Other Side of Helplessness

Psychological Abuse and Control is far too common in unhealthy relationships. There are specific tactics that abusers use that are important to identify. The victim often feels helpless and hopeless. There is another side to helplessness!

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